
Command a space bee colony, conquer planets, and fend off relentless wasp attacks in this cosmic conquest game. 🐝


 The main resource of the bee kingdom is Nektarion. It can be used for creating drones, workers, accelerate building and development.

  Creates a worker on the selected planet. Workers collect nektarion.

  Creates a drone on the selected planet. Drones protect workers from wasps.

  Accelerates the building of the pathway to the other planet.

Upgrades the workers on the selected planet. Workers can be upgraded two times, they will collect 40, and 70 nektarion instead of the original 20.

 Upgrades the drones on the selected planet. Drones can be upgraded two times, they will have an 50%, and a 100% increase in their rate of fire.

Quits the game, and goes back to the menu.


Bees among the stars! Take part in the odyssey of space-colonising bees, who conquer the galaxy to reach the foretold "Honey Planet".

Bees have to build their way to the next planet, as bee space technology is notoriously unsafe. They have to collect resources from the planets, they colonised.

The main resource of the bee kingdom is Nektarion. The queen creates 2 nektarion each second, but this will hardly be enough for interstellar colonisation, you'll also need workers, who will fly to a flower, to collect Nektarion, and then bring it back to the beehive.

One worker costs 200 Nektarion, and they can only collect from one flower, and each planet has only a few, so if you want to have a higher income, you'll either have to capture another planet, or upgrade your workers for 500 nektarions.

Worker bees are also the ones, that build the path to the next planet. The player can also sacrifice some Nektarions, to accelerate the building.

Even in space, bees could not escape their mortal enemies: Wasps still hunt them from the infinite darkness of the galaxy, so they have to protect themselves against them. Each planet can have a maximum of 5 drones, warriors, who swore to protect the queen and the workers.

If the workers are destroyed, new ones can be created, but if the queen herself dies, you lose. The queen slowly regenerates her health.

Warrior bees can be boosted as well, for 500 Nektarion, and they will have a higher rate of fire.

The game ends, when the bees capture the "Honey planet".

Game Controls:

  • Movement: WASD, mouse scroll wheel
  • Interaction: mouse left click

Created by:

Tamás Losonczi

  • Concept design
  • UI (HUD, modals, menu, font, icons, etc.)
  • Animations (hints, messages)
  • SFX (click, hover)
  • Game state machine

Gergő Szabó (GeriJ)

  • Concept design
  • Logo design
  • 3D modeling (planets, flowers, etc..)
  • Music composer
  • HUD
  • Scripts
  • Sprites
  • SFX
  • VFX
  • Textures

Gábor Bodnár

  • Concept design
  • 3D modeling (bee models, hive, wasp, etc.)
  • Gameplay coding
  • SFX (Shooting sounds)
  • Textures
  • Menu design

StatusIn development
Rated 3.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
Authorstamas.losonczi, Black Goby Games, GeriJandGabe
Tagsbees, hunjam2023, Management, not-ants, Space


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